I have a class this semester called "Computer Forensics and Investigations." This class is taught by a current Cybersecurity FBI Special Agent, and it is awesome.
For a while, I've wondered exactly where I'll end up in the career field. I've honestly never been that worried that I wouldn't find a job. I'm getting a bachelor's degree in Cybersecurity, have a few certs and going to get more, and have a plethora of projects under my belt - but even still, something about the future is terrifying. I don't think I am alone in that.
When doing some research on the FBI, specifically their Cyber divisions, it really hit me that this is something I could do. And love it.
I see all the Reddit posts talking about how long the hours are, and how government jobs have a lot of crap that goes into it that makes it unbearable..I see all that.
But I believe a lot of that can be said about many jobs. Especially in tech.
Something about it really piques my interest and I can almost guarantee that's where I will go for a career when I get the chance. I think I have to have a couple years of experience in my field first, though.
Regardless, that's where I'm at. Maybe my mind will change?